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“How’d you like to learn how to pull your audience into your content by taking advantage of a free tool?

Here is a short article which will surely help you.” is an Open AI App using GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 ). This App Helps Marketers Create Unique AD Copy. Gives 40+ More Tools For Free. You can use a free trial of 7 Days of without using Credit Card or Debit Card.

Powerful Benefits of Using For Creating Compelling PPC AD copy include:-

  1. Unmatched Data Processing Power.
  2. Ability For Better Click-Through Rates and Quality Scores.

Powerful Functions of

  1. You Can Create a Project for Your Brand via
  2. Can Watch Out Your Saved Projects.
  3. Able to See History of Tools That You Used and Their Results. Currently Support These Languages Available:-

  1. German
  2. English (British & US)
  3. Spanish
  4. French
  5. Italian
  6. Dutch
  7. Japanese
  8. Chinese
  9. Polish
  10. Portuguese
  11. Russian

Access Languages Type Form From Here - Visit Now

What is is an AI-based app using GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 ). This is an AI-Based app help marketers create a Unique and Unmatched AD copy for Advertising. Executive Team includes Paul Yacoubian (Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer) & Chris Lu (Co-Founder).Founded on June 11, 2020.
This app gives a Free Trial of 7 Days, absolutely for free, without using any Credit Card or Debit Card.
According to CrunchBase & Pitchbook, there are 8-10 Employees in

Copy AI provides an automatic copywriting service created by GPT-3. Many options are sufficient when filling out a "nursing assistant" account, but "copy AI" focuses on six different types of copies: social media posts, magazine copies, computers, computers, e-commerce product descriptions, copies of digital advertisements. They measured all the essential elements of generating income for {very} determined families. For example, if Copy AI can do more work than authorized distributors, they will provide a reasonably attractive value proposition. Cheap, but in general, you can save time and frustration when you take action, review, and approve freelancers.


Copy AI provides automatic copywriting services created using GPT-3. Many options are sufficient to make an assistant in a nursing account. Copy AI focuses on six different types of copies:
  • Social media posts, journal content
  • Documents
  • Computer machines
  • Product descriptions for e-commerce sales
  • Make a digital copy of the ad

They measure all the essential elements of content, which help {very} determined families generate income. For example, if Copy AI can complete these tasks more than authorized distributors, their prices will be reasonable. It's cheaper,

Overall, it saves you time and frustration, allowing you to take action, review, and approve freelancers. Giving AI-Based 40+ More Tools For free will help Beginner & Professional Blogger. Creator Tools Names are Given Below.

  1. Website Copy
  2. Meta Descriptions
  3. Landing Page Hero Text
  4. Subheader Text
  5. Listicles (List Post)
  6. Blog Ideas
  7. Blog Intros
  8. Blog Outline
  9. Blog Titles
  10. Blog Titles - Listicles
  11. Bullet Points to Blog
  12. Bullet Point to Paragraph
  13. Rewrite with Keywords
  14. Sentence Rewriter
  15. Simplify Sentence
  16. Essay Outline
  17. Essay Intro
  18. Bullet Points to Essay
  19. Verb Booster
  20. Adjective Accelerator
  21. Analogy Generator

It also Helps Beginner & Professional marketers. Creator Tools Names are Given Below.

  1. Product Descriptions
  2. Facebook Primary Text
  3. Facebook Headlines
  4. Facebook Link Descriptions
  5. Google Headlines
  6. Google Descriptions
  7. LinkedIn Text Ads
  8. Instagram Captions
  9. Instagram Product Showcase
  10. Marketing Angles 
  11. AIDA Copywriting
  12. QUEST Copywriting

It also Helps Beginner & Professional Social Media Content Creator. Creator Tools Names are Given Below.

  1. Video Titles
  2. Launch Your Product
  3. Short Text Hook
  4. Carousel Post
  5. Captions
  6. Video Intro Hook
  7. Relatable Experiences
  8. Brainstorm Topics
  9. Product Showcase
  10. Bullet Points
  11. Video Call to Action
  12. YouTube Description Intro

Some Common Tools For All Blogger, Marketers, Social Media Content Creator and Other. Creator Tools Names are Given Below.

  1. Catchy Email Subject Lines
  2. Confirmation Emails
  3. Thank You Note
  4. Follow Up Email
  5. Keyword Generator
  6. QUEST Copywriting

Tools Provided By

Here are some list of tools provided by

Social ADs

  1. Facebook Primary Text
  2. Facebook Headlines
  3. Facebook Link Description
  4. Google Headlines
  5. Google Description
  6. Instagram Product Showcase
  7. Instagram Captions
  8. LinkedIn Text Ads

Sales Copy

  1. Pain - Agitate - Solutions
  2. AIDA Copywriting
  3. Before - After - Bridge
  4. Feature - Advantage - Benefits
  5. Problem - Promise - Proof - Proposal
  6. QUEST Copywriting
  7. Features to Benefits
  8. Marketing Angles

Writing Tools

  1. Change Tone
  2. Sentence Rewriter
  3. Simplify Sentence
  4. Essay Outline
  5. Essay Intro
  6. Bullet Point to Paragraph
  7. Bullet Point to Essay
  8. Verb Booster
  9. Adjective Accelerator
  10. Analogy Generator
  11. Rewrite With Keywords

Startup Tools

  1. Value Proposition
  2. Motto Generator
  3. Brand Mission
  4. Brand Voice

Website Tools

  1. Landing Page Hero Text
  2. Subheader Text
  3. Blog Ideas
  4. Blog Intros
  5. Blog Outlines
  6. Bullet Point to Paragraph
  7. Bullet Point to Blog
  8. Blog Titles
  9. Blog Titles - Listicles
  10. Listicles
  11. Microcopy
  12. Meta Descriptions

Personal Tools

  1. Shower Thoughts
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Resume Bullet Points
  4. Love Letter
  5. Birthday Cards
  6. Clubhouse Bio

Email / Letter Tools

  1. Catchy Email Subject Lines
  2. Confirmation Emails
  3. Thank You Note
  4. Follow Up Email

Brainstorming Tools

  1. Viral Ideas
  2. Growth Ideas
  3. Next Product
  4. Name Generator
  5. Startup Ideas

Product Description

Product Description is a marketing copy used to describe the features of the Products and Values of Products.

A good Product Description gives detailed features, the problem it solves, the problem it generates, and other benefits to generate a sale for profit.

A good Product Description can generate more sales to generate more profit.

This Tool Help You to Creates Description for Your Desired Products for Affiliate Marketing.

Like Creating a Product Description of a Keyboard, you need only to give the Product Name / Brand Name and Describe your product in 4-5 lines, and will generate a more catchy Description for your Affiliate Product to generate more sales.

Social Media Content Creation

  1. Video Titles
  2. Launch Your Product
  3. Short Text Hook
  4. Video Intro Hook Generator
  5. Relatable Experiences
  6. Brainstorm Topics
  7. Instagram Product Showcase
  8. Bullet Points
  9. YouTube Description Intro
  10. Keyword Generator

Trick To Get This Tool For Free.

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Temp Mail Sites

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Temp Mail Apps

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Temp Mail Chrome Extension

Temp Mail Chrome Extensions You Need To use to make Temp Mail.


This is all about a Simple and Powerful tool by which you can do a lot of personal work as well as business work.I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. Thank you!

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About the Author

Hey there! My name is Ayush, a Graphics Designer as well as Content Creator. I love to share intresting knowledge with everyone.

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