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The Best Free Alternative of FeedBurner - ''

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“How’d you like to learn how to pull your audience into your content by taking advantage of a free tool? “What if I said that every blog which are not generating revenue use this same tool? Here is a short article which will surely help you.”


We all know that FeedBurner's email subscription service is officially ended by Google. It is no longer supported in Blogger to use follow by email widget. so we are going to use a third-party service named is ready to provide us with a free replacement for the Blogger's missing widget.
We can set up a emails subscription form to replace Blogger's Follow by Email widget. The service is free and, so far, I find it to be quite reliable to deliver updates directly to my blog's subscribers.

Why choose

Here are some characteristics for choosing is the best alternative to Feedburner.

Service that provides additional features and value to users

The Follow by Email widget provided a straightforward feature that only allows your subscribers to get updates from your blog. The services provided by will provide you with the most useful functions which will allow you to manage your subscribers properly. The follow. it also provides us with premium options that are priced fairly. the price is scaled to support the quantity of your blog subscribers. The premium version of the will improve the performance of your blog because it'll allow you to urge listed on their public feed directory. Moreover, you'll be able to choose how each of the subscribers will receive their updates. you'll be able to specify the way the updates are delivered. as an example, you will value more highly let users receive their future updates on the precise hour they were subscribing. If they subscribe at 8 A.M., they'll also receive notification thereon time within the future updates, thus ensuring that your notification is going to be opened. it's very useful if you have got various visitors from everywhere on the planet who have different time zones. You can also customize the way your feeds are presented inside your subscriber's email. If your notification is attractive, your readers will be more likely to instantly check your website. Moreover, also provides notifications to your readers via Telegram rather than the old email. it is also quite convenient though still uncommon. There are other useful benefits that I've got unlisted during this article. you'll try it yourself to search out if it's suitable for you or not. For more premium features, you'll be able to directly check their pricing on the company's website. they're rock bottom too, around 2-5 USD per month. it's worthwhile if you would like to produce the most effective experience for your loyal blog's subscribers. If you do not want to spend any money, then the free follow. its version is already ok and before other services. there's not much limitation even once you are using the free service. If you've got a tiny low blog, free version is over adequate. you'll be able always to upgrade any time once your blog has grown bigger.

Provider Must be User Friendly

It is essential to produce a user-friendly subscription method. you would like to produce your visitors with a straightforward and straightforward procedure to purchase your website. If the method is simply too complicated, nobody will bother to buy your blog. The follow. it is a wonderful example of user-friendliness.
The email subscription service encompasses a function that's easy to follow. Your readers only must input their email inside the subscription form, then they'll receive a confirmation email. It basically works a bit like the old Follow by Email in Blogger. Most visitors are going to be ready to follow the familiar procedure easily. at that time they're going to receive timely updates from your blog on to their emails.

How to create a subscription box-like FeedBurner

So, here we go let's start making an attractive email subscription box like FeedBurner. For creating it you must be a user.

Step:1 Visit Follow. it official site and sign up as a new user via google, Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail.

Step:2 At first go to follow it menu at left and click on publishing and then click add feed. Enter your site url there in box and click on next.

Step:3 Skip the subscription box customization because i will provide a good looking widget for it. you will receive a email from for verifying your site by adding some meta content in your site theme.After verification follow the given steps.

Step:4 Now go to follow it menu at left and click on your feed and go to settings there you will find your feed url by which people can follow you. Copy it or Note it we will use it in adding widget.

Step:5 Now login to your blogger account and go to your site layout section there you will find sidebar widget section.
Now click on add a gadget and select HTML/JavaScript and paste codes given below.

Email Subscription Box HTML

First go to Blogger > Layout > Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget in Side Widget, now copy the HTML and CSS from below and place it there and click on Save.

<h3 class='title dt'> Follow by Email </h3>
<div class='FollowByEmail'>
<div class='follow-inner'>
<label class='follow-text' for='email-input'>
<span>Get updates right in your inbox.</span>
<form action='#YourFollowItFeedLink' method='post' target='_blank'>
<input autocomplete='on' class='follow-address' id='email-input' name='email' placeholder='e.g.' type='email'/>
<input class='follow-submit' id='email-submit' type='submit' value='Subscribe'/>
<label class='follow-label' for='email-submit'>
<svg class='line' viewbox='0 0 24 24' xmlns=''><path class='svg-c' d='M17.2677 9.06113L13.0023 12.4954C12.1951 13.1283 11.0635 13.1283 10.2563 12.4954L5.95424 9.06113'></path><path d='M6.88787 3.5H16.3158C17.6752 3.51525 18.969 4.08993 19.896 5.0902C20.823 6.09048 21.3022 7.42903 21.222 8.79412V15.322C21.3022 16.6871 20.823 18.0256 19.896 19.0259C18.969 20.0262 17.6752 20.6009 16.3158 20.6161H6.88787C3.96796 20.6161 2 18.2407 2 15.322V8.79412C2 5.87545 3.96796 3.5 6.88787 3.5Z'></path></svg>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value=''/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>

⚠️ Note: Replace #YourFollowItFeedLink with your Feed Url.

Email Subscription Box CSS

/* Widget Follow By Email By Techy Zipper */
.FollowByEmail{position:relative;padding:18px 20px 25px;border:1px solid var(--contentL);border-radius:4px;font-size:90%}
.FollowByEmail .title{font-size:14px;margin-bottom:15px;color:#428dff}
.FollowByEmail .follow-text{display:block;margin-bottom:18px}
.FollowByEmail .follow-label{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;display:flex;align-items:center;padding:0 15px;height:54px;cursor:pointer}
.FollowByEmail .follow-label svg.line{height:19px;stroke:var(--linkC)}
.FollowByEmail form,.FollowByEmail > *{position:relative;z-index:1}
.FollowByEmail input[type=submit]{margin-top:13px;width:100%;border-radius:4px}
.drK .FollowByEmail .title{background-color:var(--darkB);color:var(--bodyB)}
.drK .FollowByEmail{border-color:var(--contentL)}

⚠️ Note: Change .drK class with your dark class.

Email Subscription Box Additional CSS

First go to Blogger > Layout > Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget in Side Widget, now copy the CSS from below and place it there and click on Save.

/* Widget Follow By Email By Techy Zipper */
    box-shadow: 0 5px 35px rgb(0 0 0 / 7%);
    border-radius: 20px;
    padding: 30px 20px 15px 20px;
    background: var(--darkBa);

⚠️ Note: Change .HTMLID with your widget ID.

Last Word

I hope this article will helpful you in adding Follow By Email Box in your site. If you have any doubts related to this article ask me in the comment section or contact us on Telegram. Thanks for visiting and reading this post! Have a nice day!

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About the Author

Hey there! My name is Ayush, a Graphics Designer as well as Content Creator. I love to share intresting knowledge with everyone.

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